Brewer Yeast, Probiotics, Prebiotics and more


is sometimes called a superfood because this high-protein, low-fat, nutrient-dense food provides a host of essential amino acids, B vitamins and minerals without stimulants, sugars or crash.

100% REAL 100% NATURAL

Made in the USA, our product is a high-quality supplement that is safe for your feathered friends. No chemicals, stimulants or junk ensuring your chickens and ducks are happy, healthy, and ready to lay fresh eggs


70 BILLION colony forming units per lb of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a specific dried prebiotic blend to support improved feed digestability and enhanced gut health, ensuring a strong and active microbiome for your ducks and chickens.


No room in the guts for the bad stuff. Flooding the GI tract with probiotics and not leaving much real estate for the bad microbes to multiply.

We partnered with nature to bring you a clean source of nutritional yeast, probiotics and fermentation products.

Health Multiplier is packed with nutritional brewers yeast, probiotics, prebiotics, essential amino acids, b vitamins including niacin, nucleic acids, trace minerals like chromium, and 70 billion colony forming units of active-live saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Maximize the productivity of your chickens, ducks, and birds of all ages with a flock supplement the way Nature Intended.

Probiotics and prebiotics continue to become more popular with health conscious flock managers as a proactive means of improving gastrointestinal health and overall wellness with CE or competitive exclusion. CE is a specific type of probiotics strategy that involves the addition of a healthy microbe culture to the intestinal tract of chickens, ducks, and other poultry in order to reduce colonization of bad bacteria in the gut.

Probiotics help to achieve a positively balanced digestive system for maximum absorption of nutrients that can support your flock’s immune system and allow our feathered friends to overcome periods of stress.